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In this project, we analyzed over 60,000 music album covers in order to identify patterns regarding the colors used.


We analyzed according to  5 main criteria:
1. Year of release
2. Music genre
3. Artist
4. Album rating (by X amount of reviewers in amazon-store)
5. Album sale price


The results are presented in this website

all image sort by year.jpg
grayScale all.png
Visualization 1- Covers of every album issued from 1880 to 2015
Visualization 2 - 16,000 album covers are plotted left to right.
X-axis: Publication date: 1880-2015 
Y-axis: Automatically measured brightness for black and white covers, or saturation for color covers (mean value of all pixels)

The use of brightness scaling enables us to display our results in 2D graphs.

In order to display a full-color scale in correlation with time and amount of color used, a 5D graph is required

These are the number of album covers that remained, after eliminating albums lacking pieces of information and filtering down to 6 genres only

View the album cover color analyses by:

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